1 Aralık 2011 Perşembe

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Witchcraft is a term that is used to cover a broad spectrum of beliefs. It is often wrongly thought that everyone who uses the term witchcraft is into Black Magic or Satanism. This is not true!

Witchcraft itself has many 'denominations'.

Wicca for instance is defined by many as being the old pagan religion of Britain coming from an Anglo-Saxon word meaning 'the craft of the wise.' Others say the original word meant 'wicked'. Wicca rejects the Christian God, preferring to personify the life force as male and female, known variously as the God and Goddess, Lord and Lady, the Horned God and the Silver Lady ect. The female is always dominant as a Mother Earth concept.

There exist two basic types of magic used today in witchcraft and occult societies. These are Traditional Magic ( Folk Magic, wicca ect ), and Ceremonial Magick ( High Magick ).

In contemporary culture, occultists often make reference to white and black magic. White magic is said to be the source of power for good or blessing. While black magic is often referred to as the power from demonic spirits that is used to harm or exert ones will and remove another's free will.
With few exceptions, those in Wicca would believe that they never get involved with curses that could harm people i.e. they are never involved with black magic.

It is my own personal belief after years of study and investigation and as a practitioner of Wicca, Voodoo and Black magic that this belief in the distinction between white and black magic is the creation of authors and Hollywood and rarely actually appears in the history of world magic.

Ask any white witch, who claims to practice white magic only, if they would be able to hex someone who has upset them. The answer is without doubt yes, which leads nicely to the question if a white witch practicing white magic uses a source of power for good / blessing then how can they hex someone? Hexing relies on evil spirits to execute one's sadistic will, therefore black magic.

It is my personal opinion that there is no major difference between white magic and black magic with one sole exception, the intent with which the magic is cast. Magic cast with good intent becomes white, magic cast with bad intent becomes black. The source for both white and black magic is the same.

While I agree that there are other minor differences i.e. in the rituals ect between White and Black Witchcraft, the root of the power is the same?

Most arrive (like myself) at the Black arts via one of the many forms of White Witchcraft. Those in white witchcraft deny the God of the Bible and so their power must come from another supernatural 'god'. As already explained the fact that this power appears to do good is the 'angel of light' syndrome, which has an evil power at its root.

There is no difference between White and Black magic, except in the self-deceit of the White magic practitioner. In tradition, White magic is performed for good purposes, while black magic is used for self-gain, personal power, and evil purposes. Is there anyone in existence who has undertake a course of study or a job without ego gratification and personal power as a goal?


Black Witchcraft / Black Magic is more properly known as the 'Dark Way'. Wiccans tend to refer to this as the 'Left-Hand Path.'

Wiccans who follow the 'and harm ye none' part of the rede do not believe they follow Satan and, , the same can also be said of the majority of dark witches - who do not acknowledge, let alone worship Satan.

Many Wiccans / white witches acknowledge that they seek power from a malignant source but would not necessarily agree that this was pure evil. They tend to argue that it is a more powerful source to work magic from.

Given the nature of witchcraft there are indeed a few groups who do refer to Lucifer. However many dark witches find that the dark goddess is unpredictable enough without adding in something they consider to be sourced from a modern religion.


It is difficult to see clear distinctions between white and black magic's and light and dark witchcraft. The boundaries between the practises tend to blur depending on the practitioner.

It must be understood that many witches and the majority of Wiccans choose not to become dark witches. The darker path is more attractive to those who have a mindset that is similar to that of an occultist. Those who enter it are seeking hidden knowledge and power to control and influence that which by ordinary means they cannot.

For those who do enter upon that path it is not a game but a very serious step.

Any area of the occult / witchcraft will allow, those with an aptitude and a will to seek, and a willingness to pay its costs, access to what are commonly called the black arts.

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