24 Ekim 2011 Pazartesi

Marriage records - 4

Marriage records

Marriage is briefly an agreement between man and woman that they will live together and will do everything in a family. Marriage’s history as old as the human history. The scientists have found many documents that the ancient people were also married with each other. Marriage is a social contract. It gives many rights to the couples that mary changing from culture to culture. And it has many religious meanings too.

Divorce records

Marriage records

At first the people were not recording their marriages. But after the religions judaism, christianity and Islam marriages became more important than they were ever before. For example in judaism and christianity the couple were not able to divorce . But when protestants start the reform in the christianity the christians also get the right to divorce. Islam is the biggest religion that gives much importance to the marriages. It organizes everything about the marriage status. It is much more modern the other two because it also organizes the divorcing procedure.

In the modern times the marriage records are collected by the governments. Because the marriage gives many rights to the citizens according to the laws. For example when a woman marries with a man she gains many rights. When the man dies she inherits most of the things that the man has. Because they are married. And in the opposite of this, when a woman dies her husband inherits all her properties which is organised by the federal laws.

Also marriage gives the couples many rights about the children. The marriage is thought to be so important because it organizes the family status. For example if there were nothing like marriage the women would look after the kids alone. And this will be very hard fort he women. That’s why people created the marriage.
In the ancient Greece at first there was no official ceremony fort he marriage. And this caused problems about the inheritage processes. In the ancient Greece when a man died her wife was getting alone with their children. After many years going like that the ancient Greek decided to make marriage records officially. And that solved many problems.

An done other reason of having marriage records is to have the children’s identities. For example if there was no marriage the men would not have the necessity and the responsibility to look after the children he made. Because he would not known his children. But with marriage records the men had the availability to learn their children.

As a conclusion marriage records are very important documents . With those records everybody knows their obligations about the family. And every men knows his children. Women have also many advantages with those records. Women don’t have to look after the children just by herself. They have someone to look after for them. And if the men don’t look after them they have many rights thaw will secure them . All those are organised with laws. So marriage records are very important documents and have to be collected by the governments.

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